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User Profile for jron
User Name: jron (Jron)
Member Since: Tuesday, January 31 2006 @ 11:48 am UTC
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Last 10 stories for user jron
1. $60 million Budget Surplus Result of Real Estate Boom Thursday, March 02 2006 @ 04:34 pm UTC
2. VN Real Estate Target of Singaporean Investors Thursday, March 02 2006 @ 04:21 pm UTC
3. Value of Real Estate fund Wrote Down by Deutsche Bank Thursday, March 02 2006 @ 03:06 pm UTC
4. Online Real EState Company on a Slow Roll Thursday, March 02 2006 @ 02:51 pm UTC
5. Lower Interest Rates Not Improving Real Estate Sales Wednesday, March 01 2006 @ 10:42 pm UTC
6. Real Estate Slow Down Ongoing Wednesday, March 01 2006 @ 10:35 pm UTC
7. Existing Home Sales on The Verge of a 2 year Low Wednesday, March 01 2006 @ 08:13 pm UTC
8. Nearly 13% Increase Achieved by U.S. Home Prices Wednesday, March 01 2006 @ 06:34 pm UTC
9. First Time Home Buyers, has Low-Income Loans as an Option Tuesday, February 28 2006 @ 10:55 pm UTC
10. Texas Tycoon's Real Estate Case Continues Battle in the High Court Tuesday, February 28 2006 @ 09:40 pm UTC

Last 10 comments for user jron
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Posting statistics for user jron
Total number of articles: 96
Total number of comments: 0
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